Sunday, November 30, 2008


I have good intentions, but life takes over. This week was just plain ole fat. I've been indulging myself with the delusion that it's okay for the holidays. Between our families meeting, work and the wedding, food an drink has been the comfort. No more. This upcoming week is the week of being good to myself. The families loved each other, my bff for life just got engaged on Thanksgiving, and I'm dancing today in honor of a man who shaped my fabulous black gay self.

So this week:

1. No Harolds ( I swear they put crack in the hot sauce)
2. No Cocktails
3. No restaurant food

This next 28 days I will live by the bar method, loose 15 lbs, and care for myself like the blushing bride I'm supposed to be.


November 30, 2008 at 9:57 PM  

This post made me laugh out loud! I am so right there with you!!!

Stacy December 8, 2008 at 2:05 PM  

Too funny. Good luck.