Monday, July 20, 2009

700 Mile Situation

It's been a minute but I got to bring it back. Six months to digest being a wife and now I'm a long distance wife living 1000 miles away. This blog was originally to be a living document of our wedding process, but there is so much more to marriage that only time can teach you. The title is a Res song that keeps playing over and over as I think about the near and immediate future.
I now live in Mount Dora, Florida about 30 miles from Orlando. One week into an entry level hair stylist position that I love and Skyping it up with the wife. Knowing we'll be apart longer than we were together is a strange idea as newlyweds. We imagined walking along Lake Michigan at sunrise, having candlelit dinners on our living room floor in front of the fake fireplace, having our first child on our first wedding anniversary.
All the while we were making plans, God was laughing at us. So now this blog is a journal of married life in a 1000 mile situation.


Anonymous July 20, 2009 at 8:13 PM  

how could i not have found your blog sooner!? ack! and hello!